Strasbourg Christmas market attacker Chekatt shot dead

French police have shot dead the man who attacked Strasbourg's Christmas market on Tuesday, the interior minister has said.                                                                   
A police unit came across Cherif Chekatt in a Strasbourg street and shot him after he opened fire.
Three people have died following the shooting at the market and several more were seriously injured.
Chekatt, 29, had a string of criminal convictions in France and Germany and had become a radical Islamist in jail.

How was Chekatt found?

Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said three police officers had spotted a man matching Chekatt's description on rue du Lazaret, in the Neudorf area of Strasbourg at 21:00 local time (20:00 GMT).
Hundreds of French police and security forces had been searching for Chekatt.
A large police operation had taken place in Neudorf earlier on Thursday, but ended apparently without results.
Five people have been arrested in connection with the attack. They include Cherif Chekatt's parents and two of his brothers.
Strasbourg mayor Roland Ries said that finding Chekatt meant the worried people of his city would now be able to return to a normal life.
Mr Castaner thanked security forces in a tweet:

How did Tuesday's attack unfold?

At about 20:00 local time (19:00 GMT), a man opened fire close to the famed Christmas market near Place Kléber, which attracts thousands of visitors.
France's anti-terror prosecutor, Rémy Heitz, said the man had shouted "Allahu Akbar" ("God is greatest") as he opened fire.
The suspect was armed with a gun and a knife and escaped the area after commandeering a taxi, Mr Heitz said.

Route of Strasbourg attacker map
Presentational white space

As he fled he came into contact with four soldiers, Mr Heitz said, and began firing at them. The soldiers fired back, apparently hitting him in the arm.
The attacker boasted to the taxi driver that he had killed 10 people, and also said he had been injured during a firefight with soldiers.
He ordered the taxi driver to drop him near the police station in Neudorf. When he got out of the vehicle, he fired at police officers before escaping.

What do we know about the suspect?

Chekatt was born in Strasbourg and was already known to the security services.
He was the subject of a "fiche S", a watchlist of people who represent a potential threat to national security.
He had 27 convictions for crimes including robbery spanning France, Germany and Switzerland, and had spent considerable time in prison as a result.
Police were seeking him on Tuesday morning in connection with another case, but did not find him at home.
A search of his apartment in Neudorf revealed a grenade, a rifle, four knives - two of which were hunting knives - and ammunition.
The Islamic State group's self-styled news agency, Amaq, on Thursday said that Chekatt was "an Islamic State soldier" who had "carried out the operation in response to calls for targeting citizens of coalition countries" fighting its militants in Syria and Iraq.

Who were the victims of the attack?

The death of Kamal Naghchband, originally from Afghanistan, was announced on Thursday. The father of three died in hospital. His mosque announced that his funeral will take place after Friday prayers.

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